Developing an understanding of chronology is a complicated business. Timelines, ordering and sequencing events & dates, historical period names and historical time descriptions all take years to assimilate and understand. However, young children are very capable of spotting similarities and differences. Their curiosity combined with specially designed activities and collections of resources from different historical periods enable them to start building their concept of chronology.
Our chronology themed visits are:
Twirl Around is an exciting look at how costume has changed throughout British history. Don’t be surprised if the audience ends up modelling the clothes. Underwear to over wear this is a fun look at how clothing developed overtime. Further details can be found here.
Toys & Games : The Toy Factory
The Toy Factory is an exhibition of replica toys from Ancient Egypt to Modern day. The day looks at the materials toys are made from, changes in how they were made and their purpose. Further details can be found here.
Yummy-Scrummy is an adventure into foods from Celtic Britain to modern day. It takes common foods and looks at how they have changed over time. Or in some cases not. A colourful display of herbs, spices, fruits and more forms the backbone for the day. Further details can be found here.
Home Sweet Home is an exhibition of replica and authentic objects to do with home life from Ancient Egypt to Modern day. The day looks at the materials the objects are made from, changes in how they were made and their purpose. Further details can be found here.
Packaging & Textiles : Carry My Lunch
Carry My Lunch is a fun way of looking at how packaging has changed over the centuries. Comparing how a school child might have carried their lunch over time looks at how traditions of materials, packaging and foods have changed; or stayed the same. Further details can be found here.