The Great Fire of London
There have been a few fires in London. 1633 was particularly bad when some of the houses on London bridge burnt down never to be replaced. But the conflagration of 1666 was so huge wiping out almost all of the old city it was called the Great Fire. Everyone knows it was started by the baker in Pudding Lane – or was it? Who was throwing fire balls around? Why does the Judge not imprison him? Further details can be found here.
Sinking of the RMS Titanic
April 14th 1912 the unthinkable happens – the largest, most modern, unsinkable ship in the world sinks with a massive loss of life. The tragedy leads to significant changes in maritime law, the development of rescue protocols and impacts life today. One one of the survivors – Mary Davis tells the story. Further details can be found here.
The Blitz
September 1940 to May 1941 saw sustained nighttime air-raids on British cities. The blackout strategy made places harder for the bomber aircraft to find. However, as ancient cities were often on rivers the pilots merely had to follow the rivers to find the cities. London being on the Thames was particularly easy to find and so suffered badly. Life during the blitz was challenging; so how did people adapt and survive? Further details can be found here.
The First Man on The Moon
This is a fun look at the race to the moon and the first moon landing. If your KS1 assessment is a recount of the first moon walk then this visit is designed for you. Equally, if you would like to look at Space travel in terms of technological development since 1930 then this visit can be tailored to suit you. Further details can be found here.