The Blitz

Betty lives in North Baddesley which had more than its share of excitement during the 1940’s – 1,600 air raid warnings and 57 actual air raids, evacuations and military movements to name a few events. She tells the story of how the villagers stuck together, helped others and worked all hours to keep life running as smoothly as possible and help the war effort.

The visit starts with an interactive story telling which leads into the children helping to sort her belongings. This can then be developed into an object handling and recording session; alternatively workshops can be added.

Visiting Characters

We offer two characters for this topic:

The Historian

The Historian tells the story of the Blitz from a wider perspective. Learn what happened between 1940 and 1941, discover the consequences of how folk had to change their lives and how an event over 75 years ago impacts life today.


Under the Blitz Betty’s life has challenges: rationing determines what you can buy, the air raids keep coming and the war impacts everyday life. Her tales can include aspects of 1940’s life to do with medicine, health, food, leisure time, clothing, beliefs, family roles, houses, religion, occupations, towns, entertainments, and laws.

Blizt Workshops

Workshop options include: Food, Dance, Artefact Analysis, Clothes, Hygiene, Medicine, Shopping, Money and role-plays. Further information on how workshops operate is found here.

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