The Maya

Since being rediscovered in the 1840s by Frederick Catherwood and John Lloyd Stephens the Ancient Maya have fascinated the modern world. The classical period from 250-950 CE is characterized by stealae, a complex writing system, detailed artwork, a precise calendar and exhaustive trade link supported a population in the 100,000s. Then abruptly over 80 years the whole system breaks down.

Visiting characters

We have two characters for this topic

Mayan Archaeologist

The archaeologist has been hired to investigate the Mayans. Help them with their investigations. Further details can be found here.

Peter Webb

Pete is a Junior Archaeologist who normally researches British history, but has been asked by his museum to write a report about some exotic and exciting civilisations from ancient times. Further details can be found here.

Mayan Workshops

Workshop themes can include: food; music, writing, pottery, clothes, gods and beliefs, settlements, houses. Further information on how workshops operate is found here.

More details about a character visit can be found here.

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