800BCE – 200AD Hillforts, Mediterranean trade and Woad
Wearing period costume, Cara is a Celtic lady who can tell you about Iron Age life from a Celtic perspective. Things she can tell you about include:
- The strange and new imported goods now available.
- How the style of homes changed.
- Aspects of life to do with medicine, health, food, leisure time, clothing, beliefs, family roles.
There is no set script for the presentation, it depends on what artefacts or subjects the audience become interested in. However, the material can be steered in the direction(s) desired by class teacher.
The Historian
Meet the Historian putting the jigsaw of research together. The visits starts with a very short overview of the topic. The audience then become detectives and undertake various activities designed to encourage them to find extra information. During the final session they are invited to suggest information that could be added to the initial presentation.
The Professor
The Professor is a fun character, nearly always in a pickle. Things have got lost, a box was broken, things have been muddled! The audience help the Professor to unravel her current dilemma. Along the way they develop their history skills by becoming seekers, searchers, finders or makers.
Puzzles the Professor needs help with:
- Unmuddling the collection.
- Putting together an outfit.
- Sorting the funny time words.
- Creating the history work bank.
- Finding the chronological order.
- Digging for treasure.
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Historical Context
The Iron Age lasts approximately 800 years. Bronze remains in use but generally for decorative items. Iron, the stronger metal, is better for tools and weapons. Hill forts (large enclosures) are built on hill tops. Initially, pottery is produced and used locally but by the end of the period has developed as a speciality and is traded across Europe. Farming continues to develop.